Events in Málaga
Each of you asking the same question - when is the best time to visit Malaga? In my opinion there is always a good time to do so :) No matter when you go to Andalusia, there are sun, wine, Andalusian joy of life, some events and traditional festivities. The scheduled events, as well as my advices for each month you can be find below ;)

January in Malaga - Epiphany
When everyone is slowly returning to work after Christmas break Christmas time in Malaga still goes on and ends only on Epiphany, when children receive their gifts and whole families eat cake Roscón de Reyes. Nevertheless, everyone is waiting for the evening of January 5-6, when at 5 pm the Three Kings leave the Alcazaba and procession ravels through the city throwing tons of candies.
Temperatures in January can sometimes reach 18/20 degrees during the day, normally its around 15 degrees, but evenings can be cold to 5 degrees. Humid climates, in turn capricious and changeable weather. However, it is nice, much nicer than in Poland and we still want to recharge our batteries and enjoy the sun in the New Year, then January will certainly be a good month to visit Malaga ;)

February in Malaga - Carnaval de Malaga
Before we go to the Carnival, it must be mentioned that only 2 hours from Malaga, we can explore the real winter. I am talking about Sierra Nevada and the town, of course Pradollano, located at an altitude of 2,100 m above sea level and being the heart of the station offering over 100 slopes and 100 km of slopes of various difficulty levels.
February in Malaga is primarily the Carnaval de Malaga . It is a time filled with music, costumes and a big week, during which there are min. competitions for the God of Carnival, loud and colorful parades of all participants. In 2023 Carnaval will take place from 11 till 19 February.
As for the temperature, it is still cool during the night, it is also rainy time, but the Costa del Sol does not leave the sun and during the day temperatures reach up to 15 or 18 degrees.

March in Malaga - Festival de Malaga.Cine Español
It is certainly the month of Spanish cinema in Malaga, when all eyes are focused on Malaga. This is where the most important stars of Spanish cinema come and it is here that the premieres of the most anticipated films take place. It will not be difficult to miss the event, because on the main street of Call Larios there is a long, red carpet lined with crazy teenagers waiting for their stars in front of the hotels;) In 2023 Festival will take place from 10 till 19 March.
The temperature in March is sometimes more pleasant, sometimes over 20 degrees - warm, but still humid and crisp in the evenings, but the "winter season" is almost over and the tourist season begins.

April in Malaga - Semana Santa
This month is the most important celebration and event in southern Spain, the Semana Santa. The processions are organized by brotherhoods - hermandades or cofradías penitenciales, i.e. associations (communities) centered around a specific parish, from which platforms are raised, called thrones, depicting the weeping Mother of God and genre scenes from the New Testament related to the Passion of Christ . The processions begin on Palm Sunday (Domingo de Ramos), where the first throne with Jesus sets out on a donkey, and ends on Holy Sunday with Jesus of the Resurrection. Monday is a normal working day. In 2023 Semana Santa will take place from 2 till 9 April.
The temperature in April reaches over 20 degrees and remains warm and warm. When in Europe it is still winter in Malaga, you can feel the real spring, not even summer. This is the perfect time for sightseeing, no heat, no crowds.

May in Malaga - Feria de los Pueblos
It is a month rich in local events. Beginning with Feria de los Pueblos , it is one of the most important events organized in Fuengirola, thanks to which you will visit half of the world in a few hours, because about 30 countries are presented in the so-called casets, where you can try typical food for a given country, or take part in dancing, sleeping or other attractions.
In May, there is also the Romeria del Rocío pilgrimage, where each year more than a million rocieros arrive on Pentecost Day at the Paloma Blanca sanctuary in the village of El Rocío. The procession is accompanied, of course, by singing, colorful, traditional costumes, and at the place of worship, and at night no one sleeps loud fiestas.
May is the month in Málaga when you feel summer, you can swim in the sea and of course sunbathe. Temperatures reach over 25 degrees, sometimes even around 30. Nights can be warm, and the climate is typically holiday.

June in MAlaga - Noche de San Juan and Holidays
What can I say, you can feel the holidays in full from the first days of June. The climate is typically southern - long, warm nights, people hanging out in the city drinking wine, tourists visiting the city
and beach Sundays.
As with us, the longest day of the year and the shortest night on June 23 (in Poland it is called Midsummer Night), the Night of San Juan is celebrated. Traditionally, the inhabitants burn fires on the beach, jumping over them and feasting while waiting for the fireworks at midnight. Tradition requires swimming in the sea to make all dreams come true :)
The temperature is wonderful for those who hate hot weather. Sometimes there are exceptions and, for example, 2017 surprised with high temperatures - it was 30 degrees even at night. Unfortunately, the water in the sea is still cold, but of course suitable for swimming. If you love the sun and warmth, but avoid hot weather, this will be the perfect month for you.

July in Malaga - Virgen del Carmen
July is of course a fully holiday month with high temperatures, long days and warm nights. It can be hot sometimes, but not as much as in August.
The patron saint of fishermen and seafarers is also celebrated on July 16, especially in the El Palo and Pedregalejo (fishermen's district) neighborhoods. The processions of the Virgen del Carmen, which is led into the sea, take place then.

August in Malaga - Feria de Malaga
August is, of course, the month of the real fiesta in Malaga - Feria de Malaga. The first holiday prize is held on the Malagueta beach, where an impressive fireworks display takes place at midnight, and then the invited stars' concerts begin. The following days are just one big, never-ending fiesta :) In 2023 Feria takes place from 12 till 19 August.
It is the hottest month in Málaga, with terral (warm breeze from above), hot days and nights. I do not recommend it to people who do not like hot weather. Furthermore in this month it's hard to visit Seville, morning or Cordoba where the temperature can reach 40 degrees during the day. Moreover, it is the Spanish holiday month, so apartment prices increase, especially during the Feria de Malaga period, when not only tourists from all over the world come, but also residents of other regions of Spain.

September in Málaga - Fashion Week
This is one of my favorite months. Despite the end of summer holidays, summer is in full swing and practically nothing changes apart from the children going to school in the morning. There is still a holiday atmosphere, it is still hot but already nicer. The days are still long and the nights are still warm.
It is the perfect time to visit and when the weather in most of Europe's countries changes and you slowly feel autumn, you can still sunbathe here. It is also the month when the water in the Mediterranean Sea is warmest.
During the weekend 2-3 September 2023 Fashion Week takes place and for two evenings Calle Larios turns into a real ( and the longest in Europe) catwalk and fashion show.

October in Malaga - The Summer is Still here
Favorite month for groups and Spanish wine fans. And no wonder, because in Europe it is a long time cold, and in Malaga nobody thinks about autumn ... maybe you can only see the falling leaves a bit, and seasonal ice cream parlors are slowly closing.
Nights are a bit cooler (long sleeves) but nothing changes during the day. The beach season actually lasts until the end of October, sometimes even until the first weeks of November.
A perfect month for people who hate heat and those who still want to forget about summer.

November in Malaga - Lighting the lights
I associate November in Poland with nostalgia, sometimes it is already winter, short days and actually an eternal night. If you want to get away from it, Malaga will be perfect.
Oranges are starting to bloom, the days are still warm, around 20 degrees but the weather likes to change suddenly and on warm days it cools down quickly. Then there is a sudden break in the weather, which means the transition to the winter season. I would like to remind you that apartments in Málaga do not have heating, only air conditioning or electric heating. That is why it is said that malaguenos live on the street ... it's just warmer outside than in apartments.
The end of November also marks the beginning of the Christmas season - it is official then
and the ceremonial lighting of the lights that decorate the main street of Calle Larios.

December in Malaga - Christmas
It's like Christmas everywhere, when you can also watch the exhibitions of nativity scenes or light illuminations. What's more, everyone buys tickets and waits for the Christmas Lottery - Loteria de Navidad, which lasts about 5 hours on December 21.
On December 24, virtually all restaurants are closed from 4.00 p.m., on December 25, most of them are already open, and on December 26 it is already a normal working day. More about Christmas in Malaga - here.
The weather, compared to Europe is pleasant. During the day, the temperature reaches 15/18 degrees. Nights are cool to 5, max 0 degrees. Nevertheless, the sun does not leave the coast, and the day ends 2 hours longer than in Poland, because the sun does not set until 6.00 p.m.