What to eat in Málaga
When going on vacation, more and more often, in addition to the obligatory attractions, we check regional specialties and what to eat in a given place. It should be no different when you are going to spend your holidays in Malaga and Andalusia, whose Mediterranean cuisine is known all over the world. Each part of Andalusia has its own specialty, and its diversity has been influenced by both its location and history. The towns located by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean are famous for seafood and fish, while inland you can find deer, wild boar and rabbit dishes. Both cheeses (goat and sheep) and maturing jamon ham (jamon iberico or pata negra) are an inseparable element. When asked what is worth trying while in Malaga, what dishes are typical for this city and what tapas are worth ordering, you will find the answer below - a short guide to what good you can eat in Malaga :) Enjoy your meal!
Typical dishes that you will eat only in Málaga

Porra Antequerana
Porra is a typical cold soup from the Antequera region, which is very similar to the Cordoba salmorejo but with various modifications. The name comes from the vessel with which the ingredients for the soup are mostly crushed (stick / hammer). The main ingredients are tomato, bread, garlic and oil such as salmorejo, nado also has green pepper and vinegar. It is served with boiled eggs and shavings of Iberian ham, although it is often accompanied by tuna in oil.

Espetos de sardinas
There is nothing more characteristic of Málaga than grilled sardines in a beach bar :) The traditional way of eating them is to bake about 6 or 7 sardines stuck in a skewer. The heat of heat and a bit of salt give them a unique flavor. This recipe was created in the 19th century by Miguel Martínez Soler, although it gained popularity during the visit of King Alfonso XII.
I will tell you the secrets that real malagueños eat espetos in the months when the name does not contain the letter "r", so we will taste the best of the best in May (Mayo), June (Junio), July (Julio) and August (Agosto). In addition, the most delicious espetos de sardinas can be found in the El Palo and Pedregalejo districts.
Without a doubt, if you want to try the authentic Málaga flavor then this dish is a must.

Fritura malagueña
It is a very typical dish known throughout the Costa del Sol, and more specifically a plate of seafood and fish, i.e. the goodness of the Mediterranean Sea :) Each restaurant has its own preferences when choosing ingredients, but most often on the plate we find squid (rings), boquerones fritos, prawns, adobo, cuttlefish, calamaritos, bacalao.
Fritura malaguena is served in practically every chiringuito on the beach.

boquerones fritos
Fried anchovies are another typical dish you will taste in Málaga. Dipped in flour, fried in abundant olive oil, and then served with lemon. This is a real delicacy so popular that the malaguenos themselves are called boquerones :)

Ensalada malagueña
This combination of flavors may surprise you a lot;) Malaga Salad is one of the most traditional fresh dishes among its inhabitants. This easy-to-prepare dish combines the flavors of the Mediterranean diet. Based on boiled potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, Aloreña olives (typical of Malaga), chopped onions, oranges and desalted cod, all seasoned with salt, vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
This is a very popular recipe that can be found in most bars and restaurants on the Costa del Sol.

Conchas finas - Thin shells are typical of the entire Malaga coast, they are a type of mollusk also known as the Malaga Clam as it is the place where it is most often eaten. The thin crust is reddish-brown in color, and its size can reach 12 cm with its red-white flesh. It is also distinguished by the fact that its shell has no roughness, hence the name. Although they can be served in many ways, their taste is so delicious that it does not require much seasoning. Therefore, usually served raw with a pinch of salt, pepper and lemon to taste.

Berenjenas con miel
This time something sweet and one of my favorite delicacies :) Berenjenas con miel is a flour-dipped and deep-fried eggplant pieces, served hot or cold with a specific addition - black Malaga honey. This way of preparing and serving eggplant is typical only for the province of Malaga, for example, you can eat berenjenas in Seville, but it will already be covered with orange sauce.
What else is worth trying While in Málaga?

Andalusian cold soup is probably the most recognizable Spanish dish, right after paella.
The main ingredients of gazpacho are ripe tomatoes, bread, garlic, onion, ogorel, paprika, olive oil and wine vinegar - I recommend it to be prepared at home :) . Easy to prepare yourself at home. It will certainly be saved on hot days;)

Gambas al Pil Pil
This is one of my favorite tapas that I can't live without;) Sizzling prawns in the best Spanish edition. Pil Pil is a sauce made of olive oil, garlic and tiny red peppers they drank with incredible spiciness, and fried shrimp in it. Served hot, straight from the stove, so be careful not to burn yourself. Bitten with bread, because the sauce itself is heaven in your mouth :)

tortillitas de camarones
Shrimp tortilla is an omelette made of wheat flour, chickpea flour, water, salt, onion, parsley and very small shrimp. They look like our potato pancakes, very tender in taste. Even if you don't like seafood, try it because the prawns are practically imperceptible :)

pimientos fritos
Small green peppers fried in olive oil and served with sea salt are the perfect snack or addition to fish and seafood.

If you do not know what to order croquettes, they will always be a good choice :) And do not think that we are talking about croquettes that we see on Polish tables. The Andalusian ones are much smaller, with different shapes and additions.
croquetas de jamon - with ham
croquetas de queso - with cheese
croquetas caseras - homemade with a different addition
croquetas de bacalao - with cod

Pulpo a la Plancha
Some of you will surely say - octopus? never in my life! and yet I recommend it :) I haven't been a fan myself for quite a long time, but this taste is unique. Only life in Andalusia convinced me that a well-made, grilled octopus does not have to be rubbery and hard, but on the contrary, it should melt in your mouth :) I recommend - in the center, the best in Catedral del Pescaito. and in Cortijo de Pepe.
What to drink? No no sangria! Tinto de verano, or summer wine: mixed red wine with carbonated drink (sprite or 7up), served with ice and lemon - you can drink it as much as you want, and it will certainly refresh you during the day :)
Where exactly to eat all these delicacies and the list of the best restaurants and tapas bars can be found on our website in the Delicious Places tab. In addition, HERE you can download my Google Map, which will certainly make your search easier :)